About Us
Micro Robotics is a leading supplier of electronic and robotic components for the maker and prototyping market in South Africa. We offer hard to find components from all the major brands. We are an official distributor for Adafruit, Sparkfun, Pololu, DF Robot, Teensy, Beaglebone and various other brands. Our head office is in Technopark Centurion and we have just expanded to the Western Cape and opened in Technopark Stellenbosch. For us the study of Robotics is a lifelong journey. Climb aboard ... and have some fun along the way!.
Centurion Office
Micro Robotics, 6 Einstein rd, Highveld Technopark, Centurion, 0157 - Tel 012 - 665 5713

Stellenbosch Office
Micro Robotics, 9 Quantum Street, Technostell Building (Entrance at the back) , Technopark , Stellenbosch, 7600 Tel 021 007 2971