Adafruit AW9523 GPIO Expander - Qwiic
Expand your project possibilities, with the Adafruit AW9523 GPIO Expander and LED Driver Breakout - a cute and powerful I2C expander with a lot of tricks up it..
Adafruit FT232H USB to GPIO Board
This chip from FTDI is similar to their USB to serial converter chips but adds a 'multi-protocol synchronous serial engine' which allows it to speak many common pr..
Adafruit GPIO Expander Bonnet
The Raspberry Pi is an amazing single board computer - and one of the best parts is that GPIO connector! 40 pins of digital goodness you can twiddle to control LEDs, ..
Adafruit MCP23017 I2C GPIO Expander Breakout - Qwiic
This Adafruit MCP23017 I2C GPIO Expander Breakout has 16 GPIO with matching ground pad. We particularly like the '17 as an expander for it's sim..
Adafruit USB to GPIO/I2C/Qwiic Connector
The Adafruit MCP2221A breakout board allows your computer to talk to various peripherals without the need for a microcontroller.
The MCP2221 ..
SparkFun GPIO - Qwiic
The Sparkfun Qwiic GPIO is an I²C device based around the TCA9534 I/O Expander IC from Texas Instruments. The board adds an additional eight IO pins which you can read and wri..
Sparkfun I2C to 8 x GPIO Ports QWIIC connectors
The Qwiic GPIO is an I2C device which adds an additional eight IO pins which you can read and write just like any other digital pin on your control..
SparkFun I2C to GPIO Board - Qwiic Ready
The Qwiic GPIO is an I2C device which adds an additional four IO pins which you can read and write just like any other digital pin on your controller. The d..
SparkFun USB UART Serial Breakout - CY7C65213
The CY7C65213 USB to UART serial breakout is designed to provide users with a means to access all available I/O pins on the IC, and to provide a 6-pin UA..