LCD 20x4 Character Display, White on Blue, 3.3V
This is a basic 20 by 4 line display. White text on Blue background. Utilizes the extremely common HD44780 parallel interface chipset. The LCD has a ..
LCD 20x4 Character Display, White on Blue, 5V
This is a basic 20 by 4 line display. White text on Blue background. Utilizes the extremely common HD44780 parallel interface chipset. 5V Logic Level
LCD Character 20x4 Display, White on Blue, I2C, 3.3V
This is a 20x4 display with white text on blue background that comes with the I2C backplate. Only 4 wires are required to control the display.
LCD Character 20x4 Display, White on Blue, I2C, 5V
This is a 20x4 display with white text on blue background that comes with the I2C backplate. Only 4 wires are required to control the display.