The 33886 is a monolithic H-Bridge ideal for fractional horsepower DC-motor and bi-directional thrust solenoid control. The IC incorporates internal control logic, charge pump, gate drive, and low RDS(ON) MOSFET output circuitry. The 33886 is able to control continuous inductive DC load currents up to 5.0 A. Output loads can be pulse width modulated (PWM-ed) at frequencies up to 10 kHz.
A Fault Status output reports undervoltage, short circuit, and overtemperature conditions. Two independent inputs control the two half-bridge totem-pole outputs. Two disable inputs force the H-Bridge outputs to tri-state (exhibit high impedance).
L298N Mini H-Bridge dual motor driver
This Dual H-bridge motor driver, can drive two DC motors or a 4-wire two-phase stepper motor. With built-in TSD, you don't have to worry about motor stall
MX1919 DC Motor Driver 2.5A Max
This MX1919 Based Motor Driver Module is a high power motor driver perfect for driving DC Motors and Stepper Motors. It uses the popular MX1919 motor driver IC. It c..
L298 Dual 2A H-Bridge Motor Driver
This is a simple dual DC motor driver based on the proven L298N dual h-bridge IC. You can drive this board directly from your Arduino(TTL level signaling) and it ..
Makerbase SimpleFOC BLDC Controller
SimpleFOC is an Arduino-compatible opensource FOC project. After many years of contributions from developers, it has become very mature in low-power BLDC applica..
DRV8871 DC Motor Driver - 3.6A
This versatile driver handles motor power voltages from 6.5V to 45V and supports logic levels up to 5.5V on IN pins. With a peak current of 3.6A and PWM control, it o..