Pololu Boost Regulator, Vin 2.9-6V, Vout 6V 8A
This powerful synchronous switching boost regulator efficiently generates an output voltage of 6V from an input voltage as low as 2.9V while using an i..
Pololu Buck Regulator, Vin 4-36V, Vout 6V 2.5A
The D24V22Fx family of step-down voltage regulators generates lower output voltages from input voltages as high as 36 V. They are synchronous switching r..
Pololu Buck Regulator, Vin 6.2-50V, Vout 6V 0.6A
This compact switching step-down (or buck) voltage regulator takes input voltages up to 50V and efficiently reduces them to 6V while allowing for a max..
Pololu Buck Regulator, Vin 6.3-50V, Vout 6V 2.7A
This small synchronous switching step-down (or buck) regulator takes an input voltage of up to 50 V and efficiently reduces it to 6 V. The board measu..
Pololu Step-Up Regulator - OUT 6V 1.6A, IN 2.7-16V
This compact (8.1 x 13mm) switching step-up (or boost) voltage regulator efficiently generates 6V from input voltages as low as 1.3V and handles c..
Pololu Regulator - OUT 6V 3.3A, IN 6~45V
The D30V3x line of buck (step-down) voltage regulators generates lower output voltages from input voltages as high as 45V. They are switching regulators (al..
Pololu Step-Up Voltage Regulator, VIN 1.3-6V VOUT 6V
This compact (15.24 x 15.24mm) switching step-up (or boost) voltage regulator efficiently generates 6V from input voltages as low as 1.3 V and h..
Pololu, Buck Regulator Vin 6.5-50V Vout 6V 5.5A
This powerful synchronous switching step-down (buck) regulator takes an input voltage of up to 50V and efficiently reduces it to 6V. The board measur..
Step-Down Voltage Regulator - Input Voltage 6.1 - 36V
The compact (13 x 18mm) D24V10F6 synchronous buck voltage regulator takes an input voltage of up to 36 V and efficiently reduces it to 6 V while ..