The DFRobot CH423 pin expander enables expansion of the system with 24 additional digital I/O ports using the I2C interface. It features 8 GPIOs with interrupt functions and 16 GPIOs. Equipped with a Gravity connector and standard goldpin pins, it has a supply voltage range of 3.3V to 5V. Ideal for LED lighting, matrix displays, and extending projects with light points.
I2C MCP23017 16 I/O Module
This is a 16 IO extension module of the I2C interface, and uses the MCP23017 chip of MicroChip. The chip is fully functional where each IO can be configured as input or outp..
Wave MCP23017 I2C I/O Expander - C & Python for Pi & Arduino code examples
The MCP23017 IO Expansion Board expands 2 signal pins as 16 I/O pins based on the I2C bus, up to 8 MCP23017 IO Ex..
PCF8575 - I2C IO Expansion Module
Do you have out I/O pins? This awesome IC allows the user to expand up to 16 I/O with just two I/O for control! The PCF8575C is controlled via an I2C interface and..
DF Robot I2C HUB
This Gravity: I2C HUB module is designed to connect up to 8 I2C devices to a main-controller, which allows you easily to hook up multiple I2C devices in project building, for insta..
Wave AW9523B I2C to 16 IO Expansion Board
The Wave AW9523B I2C to 16 IO Expansion Board is an expansion board that adds 16 I/O's to your controller. It's compatible with the raspberry pi, Arduino a..